Mane Attraction

Mane Attraction (A Soulstealer Novella, Book #1.5)

Available Now!!!

Being a demon trapped in an elf’s body seemed a prison at first, but Mane has gotten used to his new home in the Riparian forest amongst the elves. When the waters of Lake Mavrovo start to run red it seems a sure sign that the demon king that cast him out may rise again. In order to investigate he will need to navigate the dominion of the selkie, and they aren’t known for playing nice.

Going from an apartment in the suburbs of Seattle to living in a castle at the bottom of a lake in the Realms was one change that Kit had to get used to, being half-selkie was another. Now she has to get used to the changes she undergoes after the selkie sleep, one that involves bloodlust and lust of a whole different kind. A problem she is hoping Mane will help her with.

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Mane Attraction - Nicolette Reed

Now Also Available!!! ~ The audiobook of Mane Attraction!

Mane Attraction Audiobook